Svindler udgiver sig for at være Kipster – se det falske pas

Jesper Hougaard er på jagt efter en identitets-svindler, der på Skype udgiver sig for at være den ‘ægte’ Kipster. Han er skræmmende nok i besiddelse af en falsk kopi af Jespers pas, og han har spørger folk, om han kan låne penge – alt sammen i Jesper Hougaards navn.

“En svindler har åbnet en Skype-konto med navnet ‘Kipster841’ og spørger sig rundt omkring om han kan låne penge eller få kredit i mit navn. Han er åbenbart udstyret med en kopi af mit pas. Hvis du bliver kontaktet af denne person, så fortæl ham, at jeg vil gøre mit absolut yderste for at finde ham og melde ham til myndighederne,” skriver Jesper Hougaard på sin facebook-side.

Svindleren har dog ikke formået at smadre Jespers humør helt og aldeles, for han tilføjer:

“Jeg er faktisk lidt fornærmet, for han har photoshoppet min fødselsdag til være at den 5. juni 1969. Det betyder, at jeg er 42 år gammel??!!? WTF!!”

Her er svindlerens falske Kipster-pas.

Og her er en udskrift fra Skype, hvor svindleren er på ‘arbejde’:

[2:17:26 PM] rakemepls: ARE YOU ONLINE?

[20/12/2011 16:54:28] rakemepls: tes

[20/12/2011 16:54:33] rakemepls: y

[20/12/2011 16:55:21] Jesper Hougaard: have you thinked yesterday about my request?

[20/12/2011 16:57:40] rakemepls: jesper if you want credit for stack, i need you copy of personal id, your address and phone, after this i speack with my associate and if all it’s right we put the money in 3 hours…

[20/12/2011 16:58:09] Jesper Hougaard: OK PERFECT

[20/12/2011 16:58:15] Jesper Hougaard: but i no want account

[20/12/2011 16:58:18] Jesper Hougaard: under my name

[20/12/2011 16:58:19] Jesper Hougaard: ok?

[20/12/2011 16:58:29] rakemepls: ok no problem

[20/12/2011 16:58:41] rakemepls: but how you make cash out?

[20/12/2011 17:00:51] Jesper Hougaard: bank transfer

[20/12/2011 17:00:52] Jesper Hougaard: to my wife

[20/12/2011 17:01:13] rakemepls: you can send a copy of passport on [email protected]   and [email protected]

[20/12/2011 17:01:46] rakemepls: so we make an account on yours wife… right

[20/12/2011 17:06:36] Jesper Hougaard: no.. not to my wife

[20/12/2011 17:06:38] Jesper Hougaard: another

[20/12/2011 17:06:40] Jesper Hougaard: you chose the name

[20/12/2011 17:06:49] Jesper Hougaard: tell me what do you want for now

[20/12/2011 17:06:51] Jesper Hougaard: and i send

[20/12/2011 17:12:44] rakemepls: copy of passaport or other id, address and phone

[20/12/2011 17:26:56] Jesper Hougaard: ok.. I had called my brother for his document.. But we had thinked that if i give passport of my brother the website see the same my surname.. If you want i can give to you the passport of my brother’s wife.. And my address and my telephon.. Ok?

[20/12/2011 17:28:49] Jesper Hougaard: an JPEG file is ok?

[20/12/2011 17:30:11] Jesper Hougaard: if you want.. You can also make bank transfer at my brother’s wife.. When i need cashout.. Ok?

[20/12/2011 17:30:23] rakemepls: i need your passport just to see that are really you, not for the account, so you can send me your passaport and the passaport if yours brother’s wife

[20/12/2011 17:30:46] Jesper Hougaard: ok ok..

[20/12/2011 17:30:48] Jesper Hougaard: perfect

[20/12/2011 17:30:55] rakemepls: (y)

[20/12/2011 17:41:27] rakemepls: sorry right mail is    [email protected]

[20/12/2011 18:50:17] *** Jesper Hougaard inviato Immagine.JPG ***

[20/12/2011 18:50:32] *** Jesper Hougaard inviato Cpy.JPG ***

[20/12/2011 18:50:39] Jesper Hougaard: accpt fiòe

[20/12/2011 18:50:56] Jesper Hougaard: *file

[20/12/2011 18:51:32] Jesper Hougaard: you seen well the file?

[20/12/2011 18:52:35] Jesper Hougaard: ????

[20/12/2011 18:53:02] rakemepls: yes i see the file in 10 min

[20/12/2011 18:53:14] Jesper Hougaard: 10 min?

[20/12/2011 18:53:16] Jesper Hougaard: why 10 min?

[20/12/2011 18:53:20] Jesper Hougaard: tell me

[20/12/2011 18:53:24] Jesper Hougaard: what other do you need?

[20/12/2011 18:53:29] rakemepls: i’m busy

[20/12/2011 18:54:20] Jesper Hougaard: +4520658741

[20/12/2011 18:54:24] Jesper Hougaard: this is my number

[20/12/2011 18:54:25] Jesper Hougaard: other?

[20/12/2011 18:58:27] Jesper Hougaard: my address is on my passport

[20/12/2011 18:58:28] Jesper Hougaard: ok?

[20/12/2011 18:58:51] Jesper Hougaard: all is ok

[20/12/2011 18:59:03] Jesper Hougaard: in the evening i attend an account with money inside

[20/12/2011 18:59:04] Jesper Hougaard: and i start

[20/12/2011 18:59:06] Jesper Hougaard: quickly

[20/12/2011 18:59:10] Jesper Hougaard: also this night

[20/12/2011 18:59:12] Jesper Hougaard: 🙂

[20/12/2011 18:59:13] Jesper Hougaard: no problem

[20/12/2011 18:59:21] Jesper Hougaard: for passport of my brother’s wife

[20/12/2011 18:59:23] Jesper Hougaard: we can talk

[20/12/2011 18:59:27] Jesper Hougaard: when i need cash out

[20/12/2011 18:59:28] Jesper Hougaard: ok?

[13:10:08] rakemepls: Jesper the document is not visible … please send me a copy of passport

[13:11:02] Jesper Hougaard: are you online?

[13:11:16] rakemepls: yes

[13:12:53] *** Jesper Hougaard inviato Passport – J H.JPG ***

[13:15:33] rakemepls: ok, in wich level do you want play?

[13:15:50] Jesper Hougaard: i think about

[13:15:53] Jesper Hougaard: 1/2

[13:15:56] Jesper Hougaard: 2/4

[13:15:57] Jesper Hougaard: 3/6

[13:16:02] Jesper Hougaard: ok?

[13:17:22] rakemepls: ok…now sorry but i want know why a very good player us you, want credit to stack … ?  sorry this question but is very strange …

[13:17:55] rakemepls: usually one players like you want a good % of rake not stack

[13:17:57] Jesper Hougaard: because if i need to made an deposit for all my website with rakeback

[13:18:03] Jesper Hougaard: i can’t play

[13:18:07] Jesper Hougaard: i want the same good % and stak

[13:18:17] Jesper Hougaard: if you can’t no problem

[13:18:25] Jesper Hougaard: i’m sure that i can find other solution

[13:19:55] rakemepls: ok… in the aftrnoon after 5 pm i give you a definitive answer, if it’s ok we give you a good stack … ok for u?

[13:20:51] Jesper Hougaard: how mean about good stack?

[13:20:54] Jesper Hougaard: how much_?

[13:21:37] rakemepls: we will see , i speack with my associate right now .. in 1 hours

[13:23:23] Jesper Hougaard: when you can give an answer?

[13:23:37] rakemepls: after 5 pm

[13:25:00] Jesper Hougaard: but how do you think about this situation

[13:25:03] Jesper Hougaard: ?

[13:25:14] Jesper Hougaard: you can accept my request?

[13:28:20] rakemepls: jesper sorry but I want to be honest with you… i want to be sure that u are really Jesper Hougard , because is very strange that one of the best players in europe , maybe in the word, ask one stack of 2k… you must also recognize that you…

[13:29:08] rakemepls: if are really you i’m sure that i can give you a great stack and a good % rakeback

[13:37:02] Jesper Hougaard: ???

[13:37:14] rakemepls: do u use facebook?

[13:37:46] Jesper Hougaard: no sorry

[13:37:51] Jesper Hougaard: tell what do you need

[13:37:54] Jesper Hougaard: and i give you

[13:37:56] Jesper Hougaard: no problem

[13:37:57] rakemepls: (y)

[13:40:29] rakemepls: who is this?

[13:41:49] Jesper Hougaard: i think an fake

[13:41:53] Jesper Hougaard: in facebook

[13:41:56] Jesper Hougaard: are 3 or 4 contact

[13:41:58] Jesper Hougaard: at my name

[13:42:38] Jesper Hougaard: 🙂

[13:42:51] rakemepls: strange

[13:43:04] Jesper Hougaard: ok friend.. i have understand

[13:43:09] Jesper Hougaard: you no want staking me

[13:43:11] Jesper Hougaard: no problem

[13:43:17] Jesper Hougaard: i had told you

[13:43:17] rakemepls: jesper

[13:43:24] Jesper Hougaard: and i haven’t no more write to you

[13:43:33] Jesper Hougaard: later you give to other player

[13:43:37] Jesper Hougaard: my skype nick

[13:43:42] Jesper Hougaard: and i have re talkng

[13:43:45] Jesper Hougaard: now please

[13:43:48] Jesper Hougaard: no more

[13:43:49] Jesper Hougaard: ok?

[13:43:59] Jesper Hougaard: i have 5 sponsorization

[13:44:02] Jesper Hougaard: and nothing

[13:44:13] Jesper Hougaard: make the same trouble how your website

[13:44:15] Jesper Hougaard: excuse me

[13:44:19] Jesper Hougaard: have a good day

[13:45:01] Jesper Hougaard: 🙂

[13:45:05] rakemepls: i don’t know if u think to be smart … but ‘m italian and is very difficult to give a rip off an italian… u know this… maybe u can try with french peoples… they are not more smart… 🙂

[13:45:29] rakemepls: what do u think about this?

[13:45:58] Jesper Hougaard: SMART? ok

[13:46:00] Jesper Hougaard: i block you

[13:46:05] rakemepls: now sincery… where are u from ?

[13:46:09] Jesper Hougaard: i no want more talking

[13:46:18] rakemepls: i know

[13:46:25] rakemepls: 🙂

[13:46:33] Jesper Hougaard: where are you from? 🙁

[13:46:38] rakemepls: italy

[13:46:41] Jesper Hougaard: JESPER HOUGAARD

[13:46:49] Jesper Hougaard: is not an question

[13:46:57] Jesper Hougaard: i’m destroyed of your question

[13:47:00] Jesper Hougaard: incredible

[13:47:00] Jesper Hougaard: please

[13:47:10] Jesper Hougaard: erase copy of my passport

[13:47:14] rakemepls: and u where are u from?

[13:47:21] rakemepls: who are u?

[13:47:32] rakemepls: sincery please

[13:47:37] Jesper Hougaard: i’m from Koge

[13:47:43] Jesper Hougaard: my name’s JEspere Hougard

[13:47:50] Jesper Hougaard: i won 2 wsop

[13:47:56] Jesper Hougaard: i live in Koge

[13:47:59] rakemepls: nice to meet you my name is dario minieri

[13:48:09] rakemepls: so you know me

[13:48:12] Jesper Hougaard: ok do you like talking

[13:48:15] Jesper Hougaard: and so funny

[13:48:19] Jesper Hougaard: but i work with poker

[13:48:22] Jesper Hougaard: no funny

[13:48:24] Jesper Hougaard: Hard WOrk

[13:48:33] rakemepls: but the different is that 5 minutes ago i speacking with jesper

[13:48:44] Jesper Hougaard: now please stop to talking

[13:48:55] Jesper Hougaard: oh yes

[13:48:55] rakemepls: ok i stop

[13:50:13] rakemepls: daiii i want to be your friend… but tell me the truth.. now … where are u from?

[13:50:26] Jesper Hougaard: again??????????????????????????

[13:50:37] Jesper Hougaard: ok i talk with skype security

[13:52:21] rakemepls: it is possible that there is a problem of homonymy… because i have speaking with jesper hougard from danmark on facebook and he say that don’t want credit in a poker room

[13:52:26] rakemepls: very strange…

[13:52:40] rakemepls: yes good idea to talk with skype security

[13:52:56] rakemepls: we can make a confernce if u want

[13:54:07] Jesper Hougaard: ok

[13:54:09] Jesper Hougaard: we can

[13:54:31] rakemepls: i wait