Se Agerskovs episke forhandlinger før million-aftale
Forud for Rasmus Agerskovs kæmpe triumf i SCOOP #22 gik to lange dage med poker, der efterlod Agerskov som klar chipleader med fire mand tilbage på finalebordet. For enden af vejen ventede søde $343.538 på den endelige vinder, såfremt turneringen ville blive afviklet uden svinkeærinder.
Der er flere eksempler på, at danske pokerspillere har fået forhandlet nogle yderst fordelagtige ‘deals’ hjem på store finaleborde. Mon ikke de har været i Agerskovs tanker, da de fire resterende spillere begyndte at diskutere mulighederne for en aftale, der kunne skære lidt af variansen omkring de voldsomt store hop i præmierne, der var på turneringens finalebord.
Læs også: SCOOP: Rasmus Agerskov økonomisk vinder af Event #22-High til 1.394.318 kr.
I hvert fald kastede Agerskov sig ud i forhandlingerne med et kræmmer-gen, der ikke ville stå tilbage for hverken Låsby-Svendsen eller Frode Munksgaard. Agerskov ville have penge oven i ICM-numrene, og det fik han da også forhandlet hjem, selvom danskeren måtte erkende, at også hans modstandere havde fundet stædigheden frem til lejligheden.
Læs også: Se Ravnsbæks vilde forhandlingsteknik da han scorede super-deal
Det er nogle lange forhandlinger, men du finder dem nedenfor i deres fulde version, hvor vi blot har skåret de mest trivielle kommentarer fra moderatoren fra. God fornøjelse!
Forhandlinger om ‘deal’ fra SCOOP Event #22 High:
alex987: lets see numbers?
softcored: fine with me
bencb789: lets check
alex987: ben ras?
RasA86: We can have a look, but I want a serious deal here guys…
Honestly rather play, but we can look
bencb789: same here
alex987: just look
RasA86: lets gave a look at chip chop numbers and take it from there
bencb789: icm number pls
Deal by chips:
RasA86: $274.786,95
alex987: $230.297,96
bencb789: $216.084,
softcored: $172.717,88
Left to play for Place 1: $20.000
bencb789: look at icm pls
RasA86: I wont take much less than these numbers
Deal by ICM:
RasA86: $256.131,84
alex987: $233.055,62
bencb789: $223.367,45
softcored: $181.332,09
Let to play for Place 1: $20.000
bencb789: you know chip chop is a rip off
softcored: yeah
bencb789: so icm would be fine
bencb789: i will not take less than icm, ever
softcored: me neither
alex987: its very strange
softcored: chip chop is a robbery
RasA86: I cant go with icm number. I have a great spot here
RasA86: Sorry we can play then. I’ll go with 265
RasA86: I know
softcored: ok lets play then?
softcored: icm or no go
bencb789: icm or play
RasA86: it depends
bencb789: no way
bencb789: No shame in trying to get more bro, but icm is just fair
RasA86: So if Alex will go with 225 then we have a deal
softcored: chip chop is to disadventageous for us Rasa 🙂
RasA86:Yeah I know, but I have the best spot and position here
alex987: )))
alex987: so icm is not good for smb
bencb789: rasa wants 5k more
bencb789:from you, so you get 225k
bencb789: ok ?
alex987: its funny
alex987: no
bencb789: yeah than icm
bencb789: or play
alex987: play
alex987: or icm
softcored: lets take icm rasa, win and grab the ekstra 20k and a gold
watch the pawnshop might pay some ekstra k 😉 for
alex987: icm and ekstra 20k?
alex987: right?
bencb789: yes
alex987: its good deal
softcored: 20k left for the winner, yes
RasA86: I just feel Im in a good position here. ICM numbers favours the
softcored: ofc they should! eazy poker over here my friend
softcored: you are in favour for the 20k 🙂
alex987: ok but if ul lose 1 pot u will short
bencb789: if alex dont wanna give the 5k to rasa, then we have to play
RasA86: if U splt it you dont have to give much
alex987: lets give to Rasa each 1k
RasA86: 2k from each of you and 4k alex?
bencb789: buddy, icm favours nobody
RasA86: ye it does
alex987: 1k from each i agree
bencb789: so now play
bencb789: icm or play
softcored: cmon rasa what are we discussing here?
alex987: i can take 232k
bencb789:so u get 1k from alex
softcored: one exstra K, you should be happy
alex987: )))
alex987:soft give him 1k too
softcored: thats a lot of smorrebrod
alex987: u r big blind right now
RasA86: 1k just from alex is not enough
RasA86: 🙂
softcored: sry wont do it, its the principle, its not fair
RasA86: okok give me 262, thats 2k each
RasA86: it is fair when Im in the best position
RasA86: chipleader and position on 2nd
bencb789: i have position on you
softcored: haha
bencb789: so why giving you money
bencb789: i want 2k more from you
softcored: and im shortstack and a actionjunkie
bencb789: i dont care midstacking
bencb789: played sngs for 5 years buddy so lets go
alex987: ras r u ready flip 100k next hand?
softcored: ok so you got a sng-machine, a maniac russian and a swedish
shortstack. Is your position that good?
alex987: guys for me us ok 232 minimum like friendly chop
RasA86: okokok guys alex give me 1k and we play for 20k
bencb789: ok
alex987: here we go
alex987: yes
bencb789: <3softcored
alex987: alex —> Ras 1k
alex987: with love
softcored: from russia with love, how beautiful
alex987: yep